„When we are no longer able to change a situation — we are challenged to change ourselves.“
Viktor E. Frankl
Inner-Path Psychotherapy
In my online psychotherapy I can offer you professional and individual support in your personal situation to find new ways to more joy, sanity and satisfaction in life. My background as fully trained psychotherapist from Germany guarantees a high professional standard whereas my wide background in various different therapeutic and spiritual traditions as well a my attitude of working provides an integrative and holistic approach and the possibility for a personal, warm and effective psychotherapy. The framework of online psychotherapy gives the chance for a maximum of flexibility and confidentiality while providing a framework for profound healing work and deep emotional exploration.
Among other things I can help you in the following requests:
- Almost any kind of mental suffering like depression, anxiety, eating disorders or persistent negative emotions.
- In phases of disorientation like during life-changes, crises or times of reorientation
- In partnership conflicts or other social difficulties
- In the wish to go deeper in exploring yourself or to be accompanied in the development of your own personality
Additional to my general psychotherapeutic work I offer specialized psychotherapy for ‘highly sensitive persons’ as well as psychotherapeutic consultation for people on a spiritual path, both based on many years of theoretical study and practical experience.
If you are interested or if you have questions feel welcome to contact me!
What is Inner-Path Psychotherapy?
About my Work
If we look at the variety of psychotherapeutic schools and offers, it shows that there is no such thing as ‘the psychotherapy’. Similar to politics or religion, there is a multiplicity of competing views and offers that are often complementary, but in many cases even incompatible. The central concern of both, psychodynamic and experiential psychotherapy is the widening and deepening of the awareness of one’s own being and one’s own way of functioning. What makes most people look out for psychotherapeutic help is suffering, which is usually due to the fact that at some points of our lives we don’t manage to organize thinking, feeling and acting in a way that it serves ours needs and leads to the experience of abundance, vitality and vitality. The common attempt to change one’s own experience, feelings and behavior by self-blame, inner severance, discipline or avoiding it by distraction, repression and all kinds of addictions usually doesn’t lead to satisfactory results, but to disappointment from life and inner resignation.
The therapeutic approach at this point is the loving and mindful exploration of one’s own being, which is often only possible in the company of a benevolent, familiar and security-giving person. In such a framework, where are no external demands on one’s own functioning, an inner exploration of those layers of our being can take place, which seemingly oppose our influence as we were deeply hurt there, feel ashamed or which already become perpetual habits. Through this mindful and loving understanding in common exploration as well as through the multiple methods of inner work, these layers of our inner being become accessible to relaxation, healing, and finally change — even where we already gave up hope.
„Psychotherapy can be one of the greatest and most rewarding adventures, it can bring with it the deepest feelings of personal worth, of purpose and richness in living.“
Eda LeShan
Passion for Inner Exploration
About Me
The exploration of our psychological structure and the pathways to deep transformation and healing is one of my main interests since my late youth, both on a personal as well as on a professional level. Following this interest I absolved the complete German training as a professional psychotherapist, which means six years of university studies in psychology at the University of Freiburg as well as a four years full time training in psychodynamic psychotherapy at WIAP in Wiesbaden, giving me the full recognition as psychotherapist by the German health system. With this background after one year of work in a psychiatric hospital I had my own practice for psychotherapy in Germany for several years, working with a wide range of clients, from people suffering from serious mental disorders to people mainly interested in deeper inner exploration or personal growth.
Next to this I always had a strong interested to find out about approaches enriching this knowledge with a wider and more integrative perspective of the human being and absolved trainings in the two main approaches of Experiential Psychotherapy, the Person Centered Approach following Carl Rogers and Gestalt Therapy. Beyond formal trainings since my time at University I wanted to get to know the whole spectrum of psychotherapeutic work and made a lot of personal experience in most of the existing psychotherapeutic traditions.
Beyond all questions of training the fitting of therapist and client is very much a matter of personal resonance and can only be found out in direct encounter. If you are interested in my work feel warmly welcome to contact me for a non-binding first session to get to know each other.
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Sebastian Morhagano | Maitreya Palace | 607080 Aurora Village | Shambhala | Phone: +12 34567 45678
„The best way out is always through.“
Robert Frost